Akshay Kumar finally shared the look of Atrangi Re. This film would be staring Akshay, Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush. As the actor shared the pictures from the last day of their shoot on the sets of Atrangi Re, the other two actors also took up to their social media sharing the pictures of themselves in the film.
Though the release of the film is no where close to 2021, “Bollywood Hungama” has managed to bring out the plots from the film. The entertainment Channel Bollywood Hungama says that, “We are told that Akshay Kumar plays the role of an individual who exists only in Sara Ali Khan’s imagination.”
“In Atrangi Re, Akshay’s character is only a figment of Sara’s imagination. He doesn’t exist for real. Instead he only exists in her mind when she dreams of dating a handsome guy, who is embodied by Akshay. On the other hand, Dhanush’s character is real”, confirms a known and trusted industry insider to Bollywood Hungama.
Adding to this, he talks about the triangle between the stars here, Dhanush- Sara- Akshay. This “Khabri” let them know, “So Dhanush plays a guy who is in love with Sara Ali Khan’s character, but he has to constantly compete with Akshay Kumar’s character who exists only in Sara’s mind. So he (Dhanush) has to keep bettering himself to overcome what Sara thinks is the most ideal guy in the world.”
The plot of the film and the triangle looks interesting when the ‘Kolaveri Di’ famed star Dhanush comes to bollywood after years of his debut with Amitabh Bachchan. On the other hand Kumar’s Bell Bottom is having a great screen time as audience is enjoying every bit of the film and praising the actor along with actress Vani Kapoor for the shorts and acting.akshay