India’s most controversial reality show Bigg Boss is all set to air with its 15th season very soon. The grand premiere will broadcast from ‘Colors TV’ on 2nd October, 09:30 PM and on weekdays, episodes shall be telecast at 10:30 PM. Reportedly, Salman Khan is charging Rs. 350 crores for 14 weeks of hosting.
Last week, ‘The India Chron.’ confirmed the participation of Titliaan Singer Afsana Khan. She even shot promos for the show which was even released officially. But a few days back Afsana suffered panic attacks in her quarantined hotel room. She was immediately provided medical help from the makers and later Afsana chose to fly back to Punjab and back out from the show.
Officially for this season, Pratik Sehajpal, Nishant Bhat, Shamita Shetty, Umar Riaz, Donal Bisht, Tejasswi Prakash and Akasa Singh have been confirmed. The other names on the list are Jay Bhanushali, Vishal Kotian, Vidhi Pandya, Simba Nagpal, Ieshaan Sehgaal, Karan Kundrra, Miesha Iyer, Sahil Shroff.
Raqesh Bapat who was last seen in Bigg Boss OTT has shared that he has also been approached for this season but he’s still not sure of it. Other approached contestants this season were Sahil Uppal, Tina Datta, Barkha Sen Gupta, Vivian Dsena, Arjun Bijlani, Disha Vakani and Neha Marda. Reportedly, actress Rhea Chakraborty was offered Rs. 35 lakhs for a week to appear on the show.
We shall keep you updated on all the latest updates from the BB house. For this, you need to keep a close tab on ‘The India Chron’. Stay Tuned.