In the second ‘Sunday Ka Vaar’ of Bigg Boss OTT, Karan Johar started the episode by again targeting Divya for calling off him and Salman Khan in one of the episodes. He then moved on to Zeeshan Khan and asked him to explain what he said to Akshara in one of the fights stating, “Ladki ho to dayre me rehna hai”.
KJo then later moved on to warn everyone to not use someone’s mental health for any sort of joke or TRP. He also called out a few housemates for age-shaming Shamita Shetty and for twisting the woman’s victim card as an unfair play. The other topic discussed was Nishant-Shamita’s Saturday fight adding the class system bifurcation housemates are practicing.
The other one on the radar was Akshara Singh who Karan called out for questioning Zeeshan’s aukaat by stating, “Aap kitne ke ho?”. In this particular fight, he concluded the discussion blaming both Zeeshan and Akshara equally. Karan expressed how Karan Nath is giving content that is ignorable and how the whole house is operating based on different groups made by people.
Then was when the OG entertainment queen Rakhi Sawant entered with a bang and conducted a rapid-fire with Karan Johar. After which, Rakhi with her significant style took the episode to another level. She attributed contestants as different vegetables and then later danced her heart out with all housemates.
Later the elimination was announced where based on collective votes, Karan Nath and Ridhima Pandit as a connection got voted out.
To the audience’s bad experience, the VOOT app kept crashing constantly as it does in all previous Sunday episodes. Well, In this exclusive written update by ‘The India Chron’, we will always continue to bring in the major highlights happening 24*7 inside the Bigg Boss house. Stay Tuned!