Britney spoke out today to the court regarding her conservatorship since 2008 telling Judge Brenda Penny that it has been abusive and traumatizing and she has no autonomy over her own body. Her father Jamie Spears has her conservatory of 60$ million estate.
Britney was finally able to speak up, the hearing was made public at Britney Spears’s request and she addressed the court by telephone, speaking for about 30 minutes. she quoted “I deserve to have a life. This conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good, I want to end this conservatorship without being evaluated. I want to be able to get married.
Later she adds how she wants to a child and her father is blocking that out too “IUD inside of myself so that I don’t get pregnant, but my team doesn’t want me to have any more children. I’ve lied and told the whole world I’m OK and I’m happy. It’s a lie. I’ve been in denial. I just want my life back.”
Not more than a year ago #freebritney was trending and it surely helped her encourage herself to come out and speak out. A documentary about Britney, Framing Britney Spears was released last year and it made a big whirl.