Actor Vidyut Jamwal and designer Nandita Mahtani exchanged their rings in September 2021 and marked their relationship forever. So, it is official now that the two are engaged and might get married soon.
This celebrity designer had been seen celebrating birthdays and going around with the commando 2 actor. There were rumours of them being together but lately it was fading because the two had no response to any such news. Nandita fell in love with Vidyut Jamwal 5 months ago. So this seems to be a case of chat mangni, pat vyah?
Prior to Nandita, Vidyut was dating Dino Morea and this couple often called off their relationship and then was again seen hanging around together. But after having this rough patch for few years the two eventually decided on separation because it was only harming their relationship.
Vidyut, who has recently made a move into production with the establishment of his own banner, Action Hero Films, has been interacting with several global action heroes over the past year through his chat segment ‘X-Rayed By Vidyut’. The actor was seen in films like ‘Commando’ series, ‘Khuda Haafiz’, ‘Junglee’ and ‘Force’. His upcoming films are ‘Sanak’ and ‘Khuda Haafiz Chapter II’.
Anyway, now that the engagement has taken place, it is clear that the marriage is definitely on the cards- at least for now. On behalf of India Chrons we wish the couple lots of love for life.