Maharashtra SSC result: In 9 schools 0% pass, 22,384 schools fare 100% result

In nine schools, including two in Mumbai and four in Nagpur, not a single student could secure pass mark in the Maharashtra SSC exam 2021. This year the result has been prepared on the basis of an alternative assessment method as exams could not be held due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) chairman, Dinkar Patil, has announced the result in a press conference.

The individual score card of students will be released online at 1 pm. The state board has a total of 22767 schools registered under it and over 15 lakh students were supposed to appear for the SSC exam this year.

In the alternative assessment, 22384 schools have registered 100% pass this year and the overall pass percentage among students is 99.95%, the Board chairman said.

Among girls, 99.96% of students have passed and the pass percentage among boys is 99.94%, he added. A total of 957 students have secured 100 percent marks this year.