Actor and philanthropist Sonu Sood took to his social media and shared some old throwback pictures on his mother’s birthday. In the caption, he wrote, “Happy Birthday Mother…just keep guiding me always the way you have been doing all my life. Wish I could give you a tight hug and tell you how much I love you..but I am sure you must be missing us where ever you are. Life will never be the same but be my guiding angel always till I see you again maa. Miss you”.
Sonu’s fans are liking this heart-touching post and are advising him not to be sad in the comments.
He has become one of the most beloved actors from the film industry especially during the lockdown when he helped myriad migrant labourers from Maharashtra to reach their hometown.
Sonu recently addressed the love and support he is receiving for his good work with a statement declaring that he will be writing a book about his experience. He wrote, “I want to thank God for making me a catalyst in helping the migrants. While my heart beats in Mumbai, after this movement I feel a part of me lives in the villages of UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam, Uttarakhand and various other states where I have now found new friends and made deep connections. I have decided to put these experiences, stories that are embedded in my soul forever, in a book. I’m excited, nervous and overwhelmed, and I can’t wait to connect with you through my book. I look forward to your support-and love you all”.