The remake of the blockbuster Tamil film ‘Thadam’ is all set to go on floors this October. To get shot in the month’s first week, this Aditya Roy Kapur starrer will begin filming, first in Delhi. On July 29 this year, the makers shared a picture with Aditya and confirmed him as the male lead of the film and now there is the news about the female lead. To clear the air, the title of this remake is yet to be decided.
The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar and Murad Khetani. Debutant director Vardhan Ketkar will helm the film. Earlier, Sidharth Malhotra was going to play the lead, but the makers later roped in Aditya Roy Kapur. And now to be cast opposite him, the ‘Batla House’ and ‘Super 30’ fame, Mrunal Thakur has been roped in. She, herself broke the news through an Instagram post :
Thadam is an action-thriller inspired by true events. The plot of the film revolves around the murder of a young man. The film takes an interesting turn when the key accused is found to have a look-alike. The original film was directed by Magizh Thirumeni.
Bringing the actress on board, producer Bhushan Kumar said: “When Murad Bhai and I were discussing the cop’s character, we instantly thought of Mrunal. She has chosen many interesting roles in her films and also stood out with her performances in them. We thought that she would be perfect for this character and we are glad she is equally excited to be a part of this.”
“When I heard the story, I instantly knew that I needed to be a part of this film. My character is intriguing, and playing a cop has been on my checklist. This will be distinct from all the characters I have played till now,” Thakur revealed in an interview. Mrunal Thakur was recently seen in the Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra directorial Toofan. She played the role of a doctor and a supportive partner in the movie opposite Farhan Akhtar and garnered praise for her powerful performance.