Ever since Aryan Khan has been arrested, Shah Rukh Khan and his family have been going through a tough time. The star kid is in NCB custody till October 7. He was arrested on Sunday after being produced in front of the court. However, none of the family members have been spotted at the NCB office till now. But the superstar’s advocate and his manager are seen at the office. Pooja Dadlani, Shah Rukh khan manager, was today also spotted at the NCB office to meet Aryan Khan.
She was seen coming out of the office. The manager was seen making her way to the car. Meanwhile, amid this tough time, Shah Rukh’s fans have been dropping support messages outside his home Mannat. The picture of the messages reads, “We all fans from every corner of the world love you deeply and unconditionally! We stand with you in these testing times! Take Care King.”
Another fan wrote, “The affection that you can receive is what you deserve that this all this nightmare that you are experiencing soon passes, because each show of affection causes me tremendous emotion my love from Chile my king.”