Kangana Ranaut recently seen being criticized after openly mocking Mahatma Gandhi’s mantra of Ahimsa. The actress commented India’s Independence as ‘bheek’ which had netizens raging. Recently, veteran actor Mukesh Khanna has taken to social media to react on Kangana’s controversial statement.
However, Mukesh Khanna stated, “Many people have been telling me time and again that you have not commented on the sarcasm made on the independence of the country. Why?? So let me tell you. I have given. But maybe it was not read. So I thought I should say it publicly.”
He further added, “According to me, this statement was childish. It was ridiculous. It was flattering. Was it a sign of ignorance or a side effect of the Padma Award. I don’t know. But everyone knows this and also believes that our country became independent on August 15, 1947. Even trying to dress it differently would be nothing short of foolish for anyone. The reality is that if anyone created the fear of running away in the mind of the British government, it was the sacrifice of numerous revolutionaries of the country, the fear of Subhas Chandra Bose’s Azad Hind Fauj and the rebellion of his own soldiers.”
Meanwhile, Miss Ranaut recently left netizens shocked with her controversial statement on India’s Independence on her IG stories. The actress had stated, “Those are the ones who taught us…. if someone slaps you… offer another cheek for one more slap and that is you will get Aazadi… That’s not how one gets Aazadi, one can only get bheekh like that… choose your heroes wisely.”
Moreover, she added, “There are evidence that suggest Gandhi ji wanted Bhagat Singh to be hanged… so you need to choose who you support… because just placing them all in one box of your memory and every year wishing them all birth anniversaries is not enough in fact, it’s not just dumb but highly irresponsible and superficial.”