The Raj Kundra Adult Film controversy had taken all the attention of the media and the Bollywood industry. This case had not just defamed the business but also his wife Shilpa Shetty and his sister in law Shamita Shetty. The actress was looked down upon by the media and audience and had to lose many shows and endorsements because of the negative publicity. And the actress and her family have been facing a tough time.
Now, after the case is out of the lime light and people are eager to know about different things. Recently the reports that are connecting us to these stars suggest, Shilpa Shetty is planning her life ahead with her two children away from Raj Kundra. As per reports a close friend of Humgama 2 actress spoke to leading daily and said, “Raj Kundra’s troubles aren’t going away in a hurry. On the contrary, they seem to be multiplying every week. The disclosure of Raj Kundra’s alleged link with adult content came as much a shock to Shilpa as to the rest of us. She had no clue that the diamonds and duplex were coming from nefarious resources”.
Further this person added to her statement saying, “She won’t be touching a penny of Kundra’s assets, from what we know,” says the actor’s friend. Shilpa, who is judging Super Dancer 4, is independent and earns a substantial amount of money. “She earns from judging reality shows. She has let it be known in the film industry that she is looking at more film roles after Hungama 2 and the unreleased Nikamma,”
A few days ago Shilpa took to her Instagram and posted something which meant making mistakes and learning from the same is okay. This was an excerpt from a book which read, “We can’t make our lives interesting without making a few mistakes here and there. We hope that they won’t be dangerous mistakes or mistakes that hurt other people. But there will be mistakes. We can see our mistakes as things we’d like to forget or as our most interesting, challenging and stimulating experiences. Not because of the mistakes themselves but because of what we learned from them,” the excerpt read. Shilpa Shetty also dropped a sticker that read, “Made a mistake but it’s ok.”
The actress is currently back on the sets of Super Dancer Chapter 4, and there she received all the love and respect. She is also active on her social media sharing posts of herself doing yoga and pictures where she is posing.