Hours after the funeral, Shehnaaz Gill’s brother Shehbaz paid tribute to Sidharth Shukla. Not just Shehnaz’s rumoured boyfriend, but Sidharth was also a close friend to Shehbaz after they stayed together for a week inside the bigg boss house. The young model and Actor used to call Sidharth his ‘Sher’ sharing a picture of the actor, he wrote, “Mera Sher, you are always with us and you will be always. Will try to become like you. It is a dream now and this dream will come true soon. I will not say RIP because you not, love you.”
Shehbaz has been a constant support after Sidharth’s tragic demise. He has not left his sister or Sidharth’s family alone and was constantly seen supporting them during the cremation of the late actor. He flew directly to Mumbai as soon as he came to know about the actor’s sudden death and he did this for his sister and Sidharth’s family. Shehbaz along with Shehnaaz’s parents stood there as shoulder to them.
Jasleen Mathur ex- bigg boss contestant spoke about Shehnaaz and Shehbaz’s gesture in this sensitive situation, said, “She was just sitting at a place, blank, nothing to say, lost in her world. I went up to her, tried talking but all she asked me to do was to sit next to her. I saw how disturbed she was and asked her to sleep. Exhausted, she fell off to sleep. I met her brother, Shehbaaz who is thankfully there for and with her in this grim hour. He will take good care of Shehnaaz, I am sure.”