Television Actor and Bigg Boss 13 winner, Sidharth Sukla passed away due to a heart attack on Thursday (2nd September). As per the reports shared by the hospital, Sidharth Shukla took some medicine before sleeping and didn’t wake up. The postmortem is on and the body will be discharged soon.
Soon after the news of Sidharth Sukla’s demise was out, his fans and entire Twitter expressed grief .
He was brought dead to the hospital some time ago,” the senior Cooper Hospital official told PTI.
The news has come as a shocker for Netizens as well as for many celebrities too, sharing their disbelief, his friends and colleagues from the industry took to social media to mourn the sudden demise.
Check out the reactions below:
Hard to believe he is no more, my heartfelt condolences go to his family 💔 RIP my friend, u will be missed.
— sonu sood (@SonuSood) September 2, 2021
It's just unbelievable and shocking. You will always be remembered @sidharth_shukla. May your soul rest in peace. My heartfelt condolences to the family 😞
— Madhuri Dixit Nene (@MadhuriDixit) September 2, 2021
Sad , shocking , May god gives strength to his mother 🙏, sister and family , RIP 🪦 brother ❤️fly away into different word peacefully om Shanti 💔
— KUSHAL TANDON (@KushalT2803) September 2, 2021
Our condolences to the family of the lost soul and may the departed soul rest in peace.